Sergeli district, Yangi Sergeli street, 35, Tashkent
Working hours

GLOBAL MEDICAL CENTER has modern high-tech equipment for hardware and laboratory diagnostic examination of the digestive system. A gastroenterologist works in our clinic - a professional in his field - Makhmudova Mukkadam Turdikulovna. To correctly diagnose, a wide range of ultrasound, endoscopic, radiologic and functional studies is used, including:

Gastroscopy. Examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum with the help of a gastroscopy is one of the main methods of diagnosis of a number of diseases: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, polyps, stomach cancer, etc. Gastroscopy allows the physician to visually assess the condition of the digestive system.

Gastropanel. Get preliminary information on the state of the gastric mucosa can be using a special blood test. The test results will allow the doctor to diagnose or give the basis for the appointment of an additional examination, including gastroscopy.

Computer and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal cavity (CT and MRI).

Analyzes. Clinical and diagnostic laboratory "SM-Clinic" performs a wide range of tests needed to clarify and diagnose.

If you are concerned about abdominal pain, heartburn, or stool disorders, be sure to take the opportunity to get advice from a qualified specialist at our multidisciplinary GMC medical center.

Арзыкулова Муккадас ТашпулатовнаКардиологВрач высшей категории
Вторник12:00 - 15:00
Среда12:00 - 15:00
ЧетвергНет приёма