Sergeli district, Yangi Sergeli street, 35, Tashkent
Working hours

The ophthalmologist is an expert in this field in clinical medicine, where the study of the etiology and mechanisms of the development of various types of diseases concerning the organs of vision is carried out. Consultation of the oculist is the diagnosis of such diseases, the selection of appropriate treatment and determination of the patient's necessary prevention measures, directly related to the quality of vision.

At the reception of the oculist, vision correction is performed, and the methods of therapy for such diseases as nearsightedness, astigmatism, hyperopia, glaucoma, cataract, keratoconus and others are determined. Also, this specialist deals with the treatment of less well-known diseases, including a reduction in the quality of transparency in the light-transmitting eye structures, corneal cannula, destruction of the vitreous body, etc. In addition, the ophthalmologist treats age and hereditary changes in which the retina is affected by the retina (pigmented degeneration).

A multi-disciplinary medical center of GMC employs a professional ophulist of the highest category Ajiev Sarvar Zamirovich, who can choose appropriate treatment and preventive measures for each patient's vision.

Арзыкулова Муккадас ТашпулатовнаКардиологВрач высшей категории
Вторник12:00 - 15:00
Среда12:00 - 15:00
ЧетвергНет приёма