Sergeli district, Yangi Sergeli street, 35, Tashkent
Working hours

Gynecology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases that are characteristic only of the woman's organism, first of all, diseases of the female reproductive system.

The doctor-gynecologist is engaged in monitoring the state of female genital organs and in the presence of diseases by their treatment in dynamics, prevention of possible complications.

The obstetrician observes the dynamics of the development of pregnancy, preferably from a short time, monitors the condition of the internal organs of the pregnant woman, and sends it to the hospital for delivery. Recently, Russian healthcare has introduced a restriction on the work in the maternity hospitals of women's clinics. That is, the Russian obstetrician is a doctor of the maternity hospital, who is monitoring the health of pregnant women, parturient women, and puerperas.

Gynecology is closely related to obstetrics, which studies phenomena in the female body related to pregnancy and childbirth, from the moment of conception to the end of the postpartum period; she also stands close to surgery and other departments of practical medicine - nervous, internal diseases, etc .; outstanding representatives of gynecology were in the vast majority at the same time obstetricians or surgeons; but the sexual life of a woman is so complex, so affects the administration of all organs of her body, and the pathological changes in her sexual sphere are so numerous and varied that gynecology itself has separated into a separate science, since there are a large number of diseases characteristic only of the female body. Pathologies related to the female genital area are characteristic, both for very young women, and for women of more mature age.

In GMC there is professional Mamajonova Zamiraxon Abdurashidovna.

Арзыкулова Муккадас ТашпулатовнаКардиологВрач высшей категории
Вторник12:00 - 15:00
Среда12:00 - 15:00
ЧетвергНет приёма