Sergeli district, Yangi Sergeli street, 35, Tashkent
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The whole nature of man, his whole personality, strangely enough, is concentrated in only one organ, the volume of which is small - in the brain. Because of its complexity, hundreds of changes are possible in its work, which can drastically change the rest of a person's life, and far from the best. Affected and fragile, he needs special attention.

Fortunately, violations in the brain are easy to notice - the slightest disturbances instantly affect the health and perception of a person. But to assess the extent of the problem will help such a diagnostic method as echoencephalography. By means of ultrasound neurophysiological research, the substance of the brain is checked.

There are a number of symptoms, the presence of which is an indication for the passage of EchoEG:

- concussion or suspicion of it;

- Unconditional attacks of nausea;

- Tinnitus and / or dizziness;

- violation of attention, memory and efficiency;

- loss of consciousness, sleep disturbance and coordination of movements;

- choking, headaches, neuroses.

The Echo has many advantages. Firstly, the procedure does not require any preliminary preparations, and secondly, it has no contra-indications, and, finally, thirdly, it is absolutely safe. In a number of cases, EchoEG can replace more complex diagnostic procedures, such as MRI or computed tomography of the brain.

In our clinic, the interpretation of the diagnostic results is given on the spot with the recommendations of professionals.