Sergeli district, Yangi Sergeli street, 35, Tashkent
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The most important parts of the mechanisms are called "the heart" and this is not surprising, because it is a vital part of the human body. Even a small failure or a temporary disruption of its activities can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. That is why timely and high-quality examination of this body is necessary at the first suspicions of his unhealth.

Modern achievements of science and technology have presented us with an impressive arsenal for protecting our health, including such an effective method of ultrasound as echocardiography. With its help it is possible to investigate changes and deviations from the norms of the heart and its valve apparatus against the background of morphological and functional changes.

Echocardiography should be carried out in a prophylactic mode throughout the life of a person, starting from early childhood for the timely detection of violations. It is also assigned to detect abnormalities during the passage of the electrocardiogram, since it is a more accurate instrument. It is desirable to treat the procedure in the presence of coronary heart disease, heart defects and the following symptoms: dyspnea; dizziness; loss of consciousness; any pain in the heart; cardiopalmus.

However, the procedure has some contraindications: prolonged smoking; diseases of the respiratory system; deformities of the chest; inflammatory processes and skin diseases in the heart; mental illness. Do not forget to consult with a specialist additionally in case of any of these deviations.