A dermatologist is a doctor who is involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various skin, hair and nail diseases. In the multi-field medical center of GMC, dermatologists of the highest category work. If you really need a better dermatologist in Tashkent, you need to make an appointment with a specialist at our GMC medical center.
The competence of dermatologists is almost the whole range of skin diseases, provoked by a variety of causes:
- Acne illness (including in adolescence);
- psoriasis (ordinary, inverse, teardrop, exudative, erythrodermic, etc.);
- fungal diseases of the skin and nail plate;
- viral diseases (including those caused by oncogenic viruses and the herpes virus);
- eczema;
- dermatoses;
- atopic dermatitis;
- exudative diathesis;
- furunculosis;
- scabies;
- demodex;
- molluscum contagiosum.
Along with the above diseases, the GMC medical center successfully treats dozens of skin diseases of various origin, as well as solve any problems of a cosmetology nature.
In a multidisciplinary medical center, GMC, a dermatologist consults daily. It is important to note that a specialist consultation guarantees complete confidentiality and a delicate discussion of your problems. Based on its results, a complex of diagnostic studies of the patient is appointed.
First of all, the doctor examines the skin, assesses the general condition of the skin, pathological manifestations, their nature and prevalence. To confirm the diagnosis, bacteriological and biochemical analyzes are often required. The modern laboratory complex GMC, equipped with the latest technology, allows you to conduct hundreds of diagnostic studies, which allows you to quickly and accurately confirm the diagnosis and begin treatment.